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Saturday, October 24, 2009

I like to watch the Fox News channel every day to learn the truth about what is happening in Washington D.C… Fox News is, as they claim, balanced and fair. I also enjoy their opinion programming including Sean Hannity. I find myself agreeing with Mr. Hannity until he talks about the remaking of the Republican Party.
Sean Hannity is wrong. Every evening Mr. Hannity touts the self awakening and re-invention of the Republican Party. Mr. Hannity espouses the talking points of Republican opposition to excessive spending and government takeovers that are ruining our country. The truth is it is easy to oppose big government when you are a member of the minority party.
Beginning in 1994 and ending in 2006 the Republicans were the majority party in both houses of Congress. With the election of George W. Bush in 2000 the national debt has been on the increase and is skyrocketing like a NASA space shuttle launch under the current administration. The Republicans did nothing to slow or eliminate the increase.
Mr. Hannity correctly states the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 under President Jimmy Carter was a major contributing factor to the financial meltdown of 2008 that led to the fiasco the current Administration likes to call the Economic Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (we call it the stimulus package). The Republicans like to say they tried to change the Community Act in 2006 but had lost the majority to the Democrats who, led by Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd, blocked all changes. Where were the Republicans from ’94 to ’06? Why did they not change the law while they were in the majority?
Now Governor Sarah Palin has broken ranks with the Republicans and endorsed an independent candidate in the 23rd congressional district in New York. Finally we see a politician of national stature doing the right thing. Governor Palin is endorsing Doug Hoffman to replace Republican John McHugh who resigned to become Secretary of The Army.
Governor Palin knows the time has come when candidates need to be elected based on their beliefs instead of their party affiliation. I agree whole heartedly with Governor Palin. I have voted for Republicans in every election since 1980 but I will no longer use party affiliation to determine whom I vote for. Show me a Democrat that will lower my taxes and I will vote for them. Show me an Independent that will repeal tax and spend programs and I will vote for them. Show me a Republican that will eliminate the Federal Education Department and I will vote for them.
I believe I will follow governor Palin’s lead and vote for the candidate that that best represents my beliefs and values system. It is time for Americans to begin ignoring the “R” or “D” or “I” beside a candidate’s name and vote for the person based on their beliefs and values.

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