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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ex-Governor Mitt Romney is proving voters were correct to reject him as the representative of the Republican Party in the 2008 Presidential election. During a recent interview on the Sean Hannity show Mr. Romney said each state should devise a health plan for their citizens before a national plan was implemented. Mr. Romney argues each state would be a “laboratory” conducting experiments. The Federal Government, he says, could then take from each experiment what is successful and implement a national system. I did not know Mr. Romney was a proponent of universal health care but I do know now. Mr. Romney statement is indicative of the attitudes and beliefs of today’s Republican Party. Are there any Republicans in this world that still believe in a smaller, less intrusive, less taxing government. The Democrats are the party promoting national health care. It seems as if the Republicans feel they must also propose reform but with some differences. If the Republicans wish to differentiate themselves from the Democrats they should unabashedly oppose national health care plans. To do otherwise would confirm most conservative’s view that there really is no difference between the two major political parties.

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