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Thursday, January 28, 2010

What is a Liberal to do?

Poor Eugene Robinson; pity for Rachel “Madcow” Maddow; sorrow for Keith “Egghead” Olbermann! Lately these misguided people have lamented about the sad state the Democrat party finds itself adjusting to after Scott Brown’s upset of Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts Senate election.

Eugene Robinson won the Pulitzer Prize for a series of articles he penned about the 2008 presidential election. Although Mr. Robinson is an educated and talented man he recently stated on “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” that he was “mystified by all the Democrats running around in sheer panic.” Mr. Robinson went on to state “In any other universe the Democrat majority would be considered a good situation and one would think you should proceed with the legislation any way you can.”

On her nightly talk show Rachel Maddow commented “What are you going to do, campaign and win the election on health care reform, spend a year getting legislation passed in the House and Senate and be closer than ever before and then give up on it? Get real”.

During one of the recent episodes of his nightly show Keith Olbermann, referring to Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, keenly observed “371 days after the President’s inauguration we still do not have health care. Why not? 20 Republicans were not elected the other night, one was”.

Mr. Robinson, Madcow and Egghead seemingly are failing to grasp the significance of Republican Senator Brown’s victory in a state that history proves is one of the most liberal. The majority of Massachusetts voters are registered as “un-enrolled” which most people in other states would recognize as “Independent”.

In the 2008 presidential election then Senator Obama received 52% of the independent vote nationwide and 57% in Massachusetts (1). On inauguration day in 2009 President Obama’s approval rating was 68% but according to the most recent polling data has fallen to 48%, a drop of 20 points (2). Most analysts attribute this downward spiral of the President’s approval rating to the mass shifting of the Independent voter’s preference to the Republican Party. The fact that Conservative Republican Senator Brown captured 65% of the un-enrolled vote in Massachusetts is powerful evidence of this shift (3).

Most career politicians are very adept at reading the “tea leaves” when it means their career may be endangered. These Democrats realize the nation is angry and that anger will be directed at the party in the position of majority power. These Democrat representatives will not lock arms and walk off the cliff for a man that may not be able to win his own next election and is in the process of alienating millions of centrist voters.

Mr. Robinson, Madcow and Egghead will never understand that these political leaders will put their careers ahead of any left wing liberal agenda. By taking this position the congressional politicians are in effect making Obama a first term, three year “Lame Duck” President.

Carl D. Goodson
Clute, Texas


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