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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Cost of Illegals

Illegal aliens cost our country billions of dollars every year. After accounting for any tax revenues generated by illegal aliens they are costing American taxpayers approximately $45 billion per year. The latest information available from the Federation of American Immigration Reform is from the year 2003. The education of children of illegals cost taxpayers $7.7 billion per year. Housing, food stamps and Social Security benefits cost $6.15 billion. medical care (Medicare and Medicaid) cost another $3.7 billion. The criminal justice system and corrections cost an additional $7.75 billion. Local governments absorb another $5 billion in expenses while various other federal programs cost more than $9 billion. According to a Rasmussen poll taken in June 2009, 80% of Americans oppose healthcare coverage for illegal aliens. 68% believe that employers who hire illegals should be punished while 79% say the military should be deployed along the border for security. A result of the polling the Obama administration will not like is 67% of Americans think police should conduct surprise raids in places immigrants are known to gather. Why would Obama not like this? It is really a simple question to answer. The more people that rely on the government for their needs tend to vote for the party that provides the freebies.

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