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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Treasury is open for withdrawals...

Well now they have gone and done it. The Senate passed the national health care bill today and now it goes to committee. In committee representatives from both houses of congress will try to hammer out any differences in the two different versions of the bill. With any luck the anti-abortion and pro-abortion side will collide and the bill will ultimately fail, but I am not very hopeful of that happening. In November we will have to elect politicians that promise to repeal this crappy piece of intrusive legislation.

Many Americans for the first time have seen the way votes are negotiated for and paid for. Everyone knows that Ben Nelson of Nebraska held out until he was guaranteed his state would never have to pay for the mandatory expansion of Medicaid this bill will place upon the states. Republicans are calling his payoff the "Nebraska kickback"

Most Americans know about the second Louisianna Purchase that happened when Senator Landrieu of Louisianna sold her vote for, as she so proudly stated on the senate floor, $300 million.

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont nabbed $10 billion for his state and Senator Conrad absconded with money for the doctors in his state that treat medicare patients.

Now there are grumblings by Democrat Senators that supported the plan all along that they did not get what their vote is worth and now they are wondering where their share of the money is. During the negotiations in committee this jealousy and in-fighting among the Democrats may be the best hope conservatives have of this bill failing.

The greatest hope we have of this bill failing is the several states that are questioning the constitutionality of this bill under the "equal opportunity" clause of the Constitution that says all states must be treated equally.

Everyone please call your representatives and let them know the majority of us do not want this bill force fed to us.

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