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Friday, November 20, 2009

Am I a racist?
I have always been a conservative man. I believe in a small government, lower taxes and self reliance and determination. The current administration is proposing policies and programs I do not agree with. These governmental efforts have caused me to exercise my first amendment right to peaceably assemble and petition my government for a redress of grievances. I attended a tea party for the first time on tax day April 15th and have attended several more since. The Americans I have seen at these tea parties have been patriotic people who love their country and are concerned about real issues.
I do not agree with our President on most issues. Because of this disagreement I am being told by Janeane Garofalo, an actress, I am a racist. In fact she says all tea party attendees are racist that cannot tolerate a black man occupying the oval office. I have never judged a man based on the color of his skin, only his beliefs and values. Before this actress accuses any one of racism she should remember some Presidential history.
The President favors a single payer universal health care system. Most Americans believe this is a socialistic program and robs taxpayers of their freedom by placing the responsibility of another person’s action upon them. The majority of Americans reject this plan and I agree with them.
The President believes private corporations should be subjected to stringent government oversight and regulation. He would like a powerful federal government to regulate the economy and promote social justice. Social justice is the policy of a progressive graduated income tax, an inheritance tax and the redistribution of wealth. The majority of Americans reject the idea of redistributing wealth and over burdensome taxation. I agree with these Americans.
The President is an ardent supporter of labor unions. He says he believes business owners and workers should be treated as equals although he favors labor. I believe labor unions, in a rebuke of capitalism, place unfair burdens upon the business owner. I must disagree with the President and side with the business owner.
The President believes the government should restrict access to tour country’s natural resources. I believe a nations resources should be exploited to advance that nations society. Once again I disagree with the President.
Because of my beliefs I am labeled a racist. The President that believed in single payer health care, government regulation of business, high taxation, strong labor unions and government ownership of natural resources was Teddy Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt, a white man, was running on the Bull Moose Party ticket and campaigning in the year 1912. Barak Obama has embraced these same policies with eloquent modern speech but they are the same progressive liberal goals of the early 20th century.
Now I ask Ms. Garofalo to please explain to me what makes me a racist.

Carl Goodson lives in Clute TX, a suburb of Houston. Carl can be contacted at Mr. Goodson’s book “Letters to the editor:What is your government doing to you?” is available at and **

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