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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Audacity of Obama
Just hours before the House of Representatives voted on bill H.R. 3962 The Affordable Health Care for America Act (National Health Care) President Obama conducted a televised news conference. The purpose of the press conference was to urge democrats to approve the legislation. One of the last statements he made during the press conference was to declare this bill was NOT socialistic. Why did the President feel compelled to say this? Could it be that deep down he knows this is not true and he is trying to convince himself it is true?
In America individuals have always had the right to live according to their beliefs as long as they did not infringe upon the rights of others. Along with this right was the accepted fact the individual was responsible for their decisions. In other words you are responsible for your actions.
Cigarette packages have labels warning of the consequences of smoking. Millions of adults make the conscious decision to light up knowing what the long term results to their health may be. God Bless America for providing smokers the freedom to make this decision.
Everyone knows excessive drinking will cause health problems and destroys families and relationships. God bless America for providing these drinkers the freedom to make the decision to consume alcohol.
Obesity is widely recognized as America’s greatest health issue. Some people cannot say no to food even when they know the consequences of overeating. God bless America for providing all the food these people can possibly eat.
Some people choose to lead a promiscuous lifestyle even though they know there is a significant health risk potential. Most people are aware of the hazards associated with unsafe sex practices that could lead to fatal diseases. Once again God bless America for providing these people the freedom to make this choice.
The smokers, drinkers, overeaters and promiscuous in our society are adults that have made the decision to participate in these activities even though they have been made aware of the consequences.
Now I am being told by my government my taxes will be used to pay for the chemotherapy and radiation treatments of the smoker with lung cancer. I will be forced to pay for the liver transplant for the alcoholic. All taxpayers will provide money to diagnose and treat the various illnesses and conditions that are associated with obesity. Everyone with HIV/AIDS will clamor for the expensive life extending medications that will be furnished by taxpayers.
Relieving these people of the burden of the consequences of their actions and placing that burden on the taxpayers of America robs the taxpayer of some of his freedoms. Confiscating private property through taxation and redistributing that private property through health care benefits is socialistic.
Is it possible in the not too distant future the health care plan will be over budget and a reduction in services will be needed to remain within the budget? Will the government tell me my waist is two inches too large and I MUST enroll in a weight loss program? Will an administrator tell me I can eat only 2,000 calories per day for the good of the nation? Will the obese be forbidden from drinking soft drinks or eating dessert? Will smoking be banned?
I would like the President to explain his definition of socialistic. Would his definition be what the average American would say is Communism? If so what would he call Communism? Our President is an intelligent man that studied Constitutional law at Harvard University. I believe he knows this program is socialistic and embraces it. Many people believe the President wants to reshape our country to mirror the Socialist countries of Europe. I tend to agree with these people.
In my high school government class I was taught the unequal distribution of goods and pay to work done is Socialism. According to our bold and arrogant President my high school government teacher was wrong.
Carl Goodson lives in Clute, TX a suburb of Houston. Mr. Goodson can be contacted at Mr. Goodson’s book “Letters to the editor:What is your government doing to you?” is available at or

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